POBSD-BROWSER(1) General Commands Manual POBSD-BROWSER(1)

pobsd-browserterminal user interface for browsing the PlayOnBSD database

pobsd-browser [-f file] [-s file] [-u url] [-o]

Provides a terminal user interface for browsing the PlayOnBSD database provided by the playonbsd/OpenBSD-Games-Database GitHub repository.

Its arguments are as follows:

Load the game database from the provided file (see FILES section for more details on the database format). Cannot be used together with -o or -u argument
Use the Steam ids contained in the provided file to identify the games owned by the user (the id list can be obtained using steamctl; see FILES section for more details on the file format)
Load the game database from the provided url (see FILES section for more details on the database format). Cannot be used together with -f or -o argument
Load the game database from the game database provided by the official PlayOnBSD GitHub repository. Cannot be used together with -f or -u argument

At least one the -f , -u or -o argument must be provided.

pobsd-browser is a mode-based interface supporting two modes: a list mode and a search mode. The commands differ according to the mode. In the following descriptions, ^X means control-X.

In this mode, it is possible to navigate in the game list. When a game is selected, the corresponding details are displayed in the right panel.

go to the last game of the list
go to the first game of the list
scroll down in the list
scroll up in the list
toggle between a first mode where all games are displayed and a second mode where only owned games are displayed (show nothing if no Steam ids are provided)
| |
exit application
clear the search
switch to search mode

In this mode, the list of games is updated according to the search. The search is performed on the name, engine, runtime, tag and genre fields.

| |
exit from search mode back to list mode

pobsd-browser uses a game database and, optionally, a file containing a list of Steam ids.

The format of the game database is described in the official PlayOnBSD GitHub repository. Please refer to it for up-to-date formatting.

The file providing the Steam ids should contain space separated values, and the first column should contain the Steam ids. The correct formatting can be obtain with steamctl and used with pobsd-browser using the following command:

$ steamctl apps list > steam_ids.txt
$ pobsd-browser -o -s steam_ids.txt

pobsd-browser was written by Hukadan, me@hukadan.org.

September 11, 2024 OpenBSD 7.6